An elegant hybrid variety with superior root quality and yield
• Improved internal and external colour
• Very uniform, well rounded and smooth roots
• Good level of silvering tolerance
• Ideally suited to the pre-pack market
• Medium maturing
F1 Nantes hybrid.
100 - 110 days (summer), 110 - 140 days (winter).
Plant Characteristics:
Leaf Characteristics: Dark green colour, medium to long length, upright growth habit with an ideal for mechanical harvesting attachment.
Root Characteristics: 17 - 20 cm root length, cylindrical with slightly tapered root shape. Dark orange colour with a small core, extremely smooth texture and excellent uniformity.
Variety Characteristics:
Bolting: Excellent Bolting tolerance.
Growing Guidelines: Sowing: Ensure good seedbed preparation prior to sowing. Pre-pack carrots: 1.0 – 1.8 million seeds per hectare.
Features & Benefits:
Superior root quality.
Market Segment: Fresh market and pre-pack markets.
In-situ Storability: Moderate to good storability.
Disease Resistance:
HR: Alternaria dauci and Powdery Mildew
IR: Cavity Spot