Violet Moon

Violet Moon
Baby Corn




Bunching Onion






Hot Pepper







Sweet Corn

Sweet Melon

Sweet Pepper

Swiss Chard



Violet Moon

Hybrid eggplant with a spineless calyx and attractive oblong shaped fruit.

• Spineless calyx help with the ease of picking and packing
• Very dark coloured fruit
• Adapted for production openfield or under protection
• Ability to keep its colour to the end of production
• Well suitable for long production cycles

Hybrid eggplant for the fresh market suited to long cycle production in open field or under protection.


Early maturing, approximately 70 - 80 days to first pick after transplanting in summer. The period to first pick can vary considerably between warm and cool season plantings.

Plant Characteristics

VIOLET MOON is a medium, vigorous and productive plant. It has easy fruit setting during the life cycle. Plant height varies
between 100 - 140 cm.
Fruit Characteristics: VIOLET MOON has very high quality medium size, half-long fruits with an average mass of 300 - 500g, it has glossy, dark purple coloured fruit with excellent fruit firmness.

Variety Characteristics
Plant Population: A plant population of 18,000 - 25,000 per hectare is recommended. Between row spacing of 0.9 – 1,5m and an in row spacing of 45 - 90cm would be adequate. For greenhouse production plants might need trellising.

Growing Guidelines: Eggplants prefer well drained loam to sandy loam soils, but perform well in different soil types.
PH: (H2O) - 5,5 - 6,8. The following program can be used as a nutrient guideline: (please note that a soil analysis should be taken into account).
Total Requirement kg/ha: (pure element)

N: 130 - 140kg/ha (45% applied at pre plant and the difference in 2 - 3 top dressings)
P: 60 - 95kg/ha (all pre plant)
K: 60 - 80kg/ha (all pre plant)

Climate Requirements: Eggplants are sensitive to frost, and require a long, warm to hot growing season for best results. Optimum growth and production is obtained with mean daily temperatures between 21°C and 29°C. At temperatures above 35°C, flowers may be shed. Growth, yield and fruit quality tend to decrease at mean temperatures below 18°C. When eggplants are grown in winter and early spring in frost-free areas, a dark discolouration of the flesh may occur and the skin colour may not develop well.

Features & Benefits

Due to its spineless calyx, VIOLET MOON offers the eggplant grower the advantage of ease of picking and packing. The variety is highly sought after in markets because of is attractive shape, size and colour