STAR 2204

STAR 2204
Baby Corn




Bunching Onion






Hot Pepper







Sweet Corn

Sweet Melon

Sweet Pepper

Swiss Chard



STAR 2204

Vigorous, mid-season hybrid broccoli, adaptable for year-round production.

• Medium to large frame with good disease resistance
• Excellent quality head with few sideshoots
• Very high marketable yield potential
• Firm, dome-shaped heads with short to medium florets

A hybrid for the fresh and processing markets. STAR 2204 shows very good adaptability during summer and winter seasons.


Approximately 60 - 70 days from transplant to maturity in summer. Maturity will vary by as much as 10 - 20 days between
mid summer to mid winter plantings (in cold areas). Maturity is very uniform with a high first cut percentage.

Plant Characteristics

A medium to large framed plant with large leaves. STAR 2204 has a vigorous growth habit providing good head protection.
A plant population of 32,000 - 35,000 plants per hectare is recommended for the loose head market.

Head Characteristics: STAR 2204 has firm, compact, dome-shaped heads with fine beads. Average head mass can vary
from 350 - 450g in summer and 500 - 600g in winter. Spear length can vary from medium/short to medium. STAR 2204 has a
high first cut percentage.

Features & Benefits

Good heat and cold tolerance for year-round production. Excellent quality head with very few side shoots. Vigorous growth
habit that helps the plant to establish quickly. High yield potential with a high first cut percentage.

Variety Characteristics

Yield Potential: Excellent yields can be achieved with this variety. Actual yield will vary according to plant population and
growing conditions. A high first cut will, however, ensure that STAR 2204 out yields most varieties most of the time. Yields of
8 - 12 tons per hectare are possible.

Fertilization Guidelines: The following is a guide to achieving optimal yields from this hybrid. Grower conditions vary and
a soil analysis is recommended prior to planting.
N: 200 - 240 kg/ha. 60 - 80 kg/ha incorporated preplant. Top dress the balance as follows: 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after
transplant. P: Plant uptake is 50 - 60 kg/ha per season. Bring soil levels to 40 mg/kg and then incorporate
50 - 60 kg/ha preplant. K: The plant uses 250 kg potassium (K) per hectare per season. Bring soil levels to 130 mg/kg, then
incorporate 125 kg/ha preplant and 125 kg/ha 28 days after transplant. Boron (B) and Molybdenum (Mo) - spray with 1 kg
Solubor and 125 g Sodium Molybdate, plus a wetting agent in 500 liters water per hectare 14 and 28 days after transplant.