

Read the latest Starke Ayres Seed News magazine

Farming | 19 June 2024
An Adorable Update On Our Winged Warriors At Starke Ayres
On May 17th, EcoSolutions collaborated with Starke Ayres in Kempton Park to ring three fledgling owls on the property. The process began with using a forklift safety cage to rem... Read More on this
Namibia | 30 August 2023
Starke Ayres Namibia hosts Farmers’ Information Day
The north of Namibia is a vast, dry region, but it is also home to a group of dedicated vegetable producers. Starke Ayres has a strong interest in the area and hosted an informa... Read More on this
Eggplant | 23 April 2020
Violet Moon: an eggplant on the rise
The eggplant, also known as aubergine or brinjal (Solanum melongena) is a member of the family Solanaceae and, as such, is re... Read More on this
Melon | 23 April 2020
Kinder – a new generation Galia melon
*Kinder is a new type of Galia melon with long shelf life that was launched recently for summer season production. The variety has exceptional eating quality and very firm flesh... Read More on this