Two new cantaloupes were recently launched for early, late and mid-summer production respectively.
Orangelly is a long shelf life cantaloupe for spring and autumn production in various climates. The vines are very vigorous with resistance to Fusarium (Fom:0,1,2), powdery mildew (Px:3.5) as well as cotton aphid (Ag).
Orangelly produces a very high yield of attractive, large, oval fruit with dense netting. Fruits reach maturity approximately 12 weeks after planting, and at maturity the background colour turns a green-straw colour, with radial cracks forming around and progressing up the peduncle. The attractive deep orange flesh is very firm with long shelf life, high brix and excellent flavour. Orangelly is suited to fresh-cut processing and the fresh market.
Sweet Spring is a Harper-type cantaloupe, ideally suited to mid-summer production. The vines are vigorous with resistance to Fusarium (Fom:0,1,2), powdery mMildew (Px:1,2,3.5), melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) and cotton aphid (Ag), as well as tolerance to sulphur burn.
Sweet Spring produces a very high yield of attractive, medium to large, oval fruit with medium-coarse netting. Fruits reach maturity approximately 11 weeks after planting, and at maturity, the background colour turns straw colour, with radial cracks forming around the peduncle. The flesh is attractive deep orange with a firm texture and long shelf life, while high brix and excellent flavour combine to give excellent eating quality. The variety is suited to the fresh market and fresh-cut processing.
Very vigorous and productive vines of Orangelly.
High yielding vines of Sweet Spring.
Attractively netted skin and thick, deep orange flesh of Orangelly fruit.
Beautiful oval-round fruit of Sweet Spring showing the deep orange, firm flesh.