Blye – An old favourite still Delivering in Pongola

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With any vegetable crop some varieties will last in the market for years while others will disappear within a few seasons. In some cases the older varieties may not be as productive as the new, but are more reliable under adverse growing conditions, giving producers greater security in difficult seasons. The saladette tomato Blye has been available for many years and Esuann Holl and son Rocco have planted the variety for 10 years in the Pongola area of Kwa Zulu Natal. They have discontinued summer plantings due to the damage and expense caused by the leaf miner Tuta absoluta and only plant Blye untrellised for winter production. Successful plantings are made from March to September, the knowledge and experience they have with the variety are key to the crop. They have refined fertiliser applications to suit the growth habit of Blye and this has contributed to the good yields of quality product and very low wastage they see. Produce is marketed directly from the farm, reducing transport logistics and costs. This ability to make adaptations to changing situations while maintaining important basics is the key to continued success.

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